Odour Removal
Professional Odour Removal Services
Need professional Odour Removal services soon? If your home or business smells from smoke, flood damage, nicotine, grey/black water, decomposition, mould, sewage, chemical spills/off-gassing or any other unearthly smell, The Mould Group can treat it.
Depending on your needs, we can use various methods to control odour. The Mould Group has multiple options, including the Vaporshark, the Titan 4000 Hydroxyl Generator, the Odorox Boss XL3 and Micro-Misting.
Safety First!Â
We only use safe methods of odour treatment for homes and commercial premises. Our units use UVA, which is the safest method available.
Furthermore, they are environmentally friendly and convert water into hydroxyls. Hydroxyl is a naturally occurring compound to cleanse and decontaminates the Earth’s atmosphere.
However, this chemical reaction does not occur indoors as the sun’s UVs cannot go inside to separate the hydroxide from the water. What hydroxyls do: they break down the odour gases’ chemical bonds.
Finally, different types of odours require other treatment techniques, as one method will not cover all problems.

We're all about providing exemplary services to home owners, business owners and commercial organisations.
Contact The Mould Group For Odour Removal Services
The Mould Group is highly experienced in all types of odour removal in Australia. We can remove any foul smell from your home or business to help restore your property to its original condition.
Whether it’s pet odours, cigarette smoke or other more serious smells. We’ll ensure you don’t have to worry about the odour again!
Contact us today and let us know how we can help eliminate those unwanted smells and make your property smell fresh again.