Air Conditioner Cleaning

Services » Air Conditioner Cleaning

Specialised Airconditioning Cleaning - Airconditioner Cleaning

Airconditioner Cleaning – Our EcoActiv CRC coating is a unique coating applied to the condenser units, coils, fins and fans of commercial HVAC units. 

Air conditioning systems and refrigeration will fundamentally reduce energy consumption due to the following properties of the coating:

  • The coating, once applied, will ensure that moisture/water does not build up and frost. Usually, the refrigeration system frost due to moisture, and then the system has to run a defrost cycle (heating) to eliminate the frost build-up. EcoActiv CRC being hydrophilic means the water cannot adhere to the surface.
  • As the equipment is required to run the defrost cycle less frequently, this creates a greater life span and fewer maintenance costs.
  • The coating is also antistatic, eliminating contaminants such as mould and other bacteria from adhering to surfaces. Because this leaves the equipment to run more efficiently and eliminates mould and bacteria circulated throughout the space, creating a cleaner work environment.



Why Use a Coating? – Airconditioner Cleaning

Simply put, the suitable coating will help to protect your equipment. Our Eco ActiveCRC coating is antistatic and hydrophilic.

This means that contaminants like mould and other biological nastiest will not stick to it. This, in turn, eliminates the build-up on your equipment.

Because it is also hydrophilic, meaning it likes water, moisture will simply sheet off, reducing the defrost cycle and resulting in low/no icing.

AC Cleaning – Airconditioner Cleaning

Cleaning, sanitising and coating your air conditioning unit is vital to maintaining a healthy indoor environment. As with cold storage cleaning, your equipment will last longer and perform better.

HVAC Programs – Airconditioner Cleaning

A similar process is employed for HAVC units, but we look at these individually. 

Location, intake vents and types of environmental pollutants are all considerations that are taken into account for this vital machinery. 

A complete program will see savings in electricity, filter replacement, and equipment maintenance.

Reduce Energy Costs – Airconditioner Cleaning

The most energy is consumed when the refrigeration switches to the defrost cycle, which uses energy to heat and melt the ice. Because then it needs to cool again to maintain temperature. 

Naturally, if your equipment is cooling and then having to heat (defrost), it will consume more energy. The cycle can occur more often if the system is not clean, using more energy.

The coating keeps the equipment clean and reduces the equipment going into the defrost cycle.

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Increase Efficiency – Airconditioner Cleaning

As the coating will reduce the need for refrigeration to work harder by not having to complete the defrost cycle, this, in turn, places less stress on the system. Laboured machinery means a higher cost to run.

The coating will also assist in maintaining your equipment with its antistatic properties. Because by repelling dust and bacteria from adhering to the surfaces, it will run more smoothly and have a longer lifespan. 

Actual dollar savings are achieved by reducing maintenance and replacement costs in the long term. 

In addition, an increase in wind speed will ensure that the cool air is distributed evenly throughout the space.

Healthy Work Environment – Airconditioner Cleaning

Often bio-film is made up mostly of body fats, and fats from food can build up in the drip tray of the system. They are caught within the moisture in the air circulated by the fans and eventually collect in the pan.

These fats block the drip line, which can overflow into the fan’s path. 

However, causing the water to be then sprayed throughout the area, and this water can contain contaminants. 

The mould and bacteria can readily circulate throughout a building as it is blown straight back through the fan system. 

The coating, being a non-adhesive solution, will eliminate build-up, leaving your work environment cleaner and healthier.

Reduce Carbon Footprint – Airconditioner Cleaning

Our unique coating has assisted companies in achieving energy savings from 10% to 48%. Therefore, enabling them to reach targets for reducing their carbon footprint.

Long-term use of the coating will ensure maximum savings and greatly contribute to your and your company’s sustainability goals. 

This makes using Ecoactiv CRC Coating not only a fiscally sound decision but also an environmentally responsible one, too.


Contact The Mould Group – Airconditioner Cleaning

If you would like all the benefits of having a better running air conditioner.

Contact us today by calling 1300 668 539

Or enquire today via this website. You can also find us on Facebook and Google My Business.