Mould Removal Blog

Is DIY Mould Removal Effective in Brisbane?

What may appear to be a soft black spot on your walls could quickly turn into devastating clusters of moulds in Brisbane. Definitely, they can contaminate your home, cause structural damages, and can potentially be dangerous to the health of those who are allergic to mould spores. Getting rid of moulds as early as you can is important. Practically, calling your local professional mould removal in Brisbane for help will save you from the trouble. 

Homes with dampness are more susceptible to mould growth. However, they can also spread in healthy conditions. Moreover, it isn’t easy to detect the fungus and the treatment is difficult.

Generally, moulds are not dangerous to healthy people. However, they may be harmful to those with existing health problems. Unfortunately, prolonged exposure to moulds may lead to respiratory problems and skin allergies. Specifically, moulds produce allergens that can cause skin rashes, sneezing, red eyes, and runny nose.

Essentially, you have the option to use the DIY methods to eliminate the moulds. However, are the DIY methods really effective in removing the infestation completely? Is it wiser to call your local professional mould removal specialists for the solution? Let’s find out by learning more about moulds in Brisbane.

How Do Moulds Grow in Your Brisbane Home?

Most of us are familiar with mould odours – musty, dank, dump and an unpleasant smell that you can recognise immediately. Call it a mould or mildew; they can grow everywhere around your home. You can spot it in the attics, crawl spaces, clothing, shoes and furniture. 

Even our cars are carriers of moulds in Brisbane, which is highly irritating. The subject of mould seems to be everywhere these days, and most Australian homes had them at some point in time. Moulds can enter your home through doorways, windows, vents and heating and cooling systems. What’s more, moulds from outside can attach to your clothing and travel inside your home. If you have excess moisture inside your home, it’s a haven for the fungi to grow and thrive. Wet cellulose materials, wood products, cardboard or ceiling tiles are conducive for the growth of moulds. 

Mould spreads in different ways like the lightweight ones become airborne and distributed in the environment. Heavier moulds like toxic black moulds rely on physical transfer like floodwaters or hang on to contaminated surfaces. 

There is a slight difference between moulds and mildew. Biologically, the two look similar but survive at different stages of development. Moulds usually prefer dark, enclosed spaces, while mildew requires a small amount of light. 

Causes Of Moulds Outbreak in Brisbane

Mould usually requires six factors to grow and omitting anyone will result in the chain breaking. It will also cause the mould colony to die if you remove certain elements. Let’s look at the six factors that contribute to a mould outbreak. 

  • The first element is the mould spores, and they are tough to prevent. Mould microorganisms are present everywhere but remain hidden from the naked eye. It usually enters your home from the outside, and air movement through spores are the standard methods of spreading. Removing mould spores is impossible. At best, you can check the growth through practical measures. 
  • Moisture and moulds go hand in hand. Moulds will require moisture to survive. When your home is slightly humid and damp, you can be sure there is a mould nursery nearby. Dampness can be caused by condensation when there is plumbing lines leakage. 
  • Mould needs air to grow and reproduce. Air doesn’t only cause them to spread but acts as their carrier. 
  • Direct exposure to sunlight kills moulds and destroys their colonies. Indoor lighting doesn’t have the same effect as direct UV rays of the sun. While moulds prefer limited lighting, they can still survive with incandescent or fluorescent lights. 
  • Mould doesn’t survive in conditions that are too hot or cold. You won’t find moulds in Antarctica or the Sahara. Freezing temperature makes mould dormant while hot climate prevents them from multiplying. Any temperature between 20 degrees to 28 degrees is ideal for mould survival. 
  • Your home is Bonhomme for moulds. It feeds on organic materials contained in the wood panels and small amounts of dust. 

What Are The Signs of Mould Growth?

The initial symptoms of mould infestation will come through your senses. It first starts with a stain or discolouration and then comes the unpleasant stinking odour that leaks the news to you. Some other signs that show mould growth includes:

  • Moulds make their colony inside wall cavities where the conditions are favourable. Once it takes hold of the walls, your wallpapers will start to decay. It is a clear sign that a colony is active inside your walls.  
  • Mould quickly breeds under the flooring and where there is pooled water. You will notice your sheet flooring discolouration or lifting away. There will also be stains on the carpet.
  • Mould can form on attics or between spaces in the ceiling. Any evidence of water damage on the roof usually accompanies mould growth. 
  • You can easily spot mould growth when you open a crawlspace or closet. There will be a pungent odour which is a clear sign of mould. If you catch it early, you will have better chances to remediate the situation. 

Once you identify a mould problem, start remediation and clean up immediately. You can contact a professional mould removal in Brisbane for the best solutions and advice.

Types Of Moulds Affecting Brisbane Homes

You will find moulds everywhere, and your Brisbane home is no exception. They are not always harmful, but certain types can cause extensive damage to your health and home. 

  • Stachybotrys or the black mould is one of the most dangerous types which invades most Australian homes. The presence of this mould can cause flu-like symptoms, diarrhoea, headaches, and respiratory damage. Children are at a greater risk for health problems associated with this mould. Black moulds are dark, but sometimes they are also green or grey. Black moulds have a musty odour and are found in damp areas.
  • Chaetomium moulds are present in homes with extensive water damage. It survives in wet, dark environments like drywalls, wallpaper and carpets. If you are suffering from watery eyes or breathing trouble, it can cause neurological damage. 
  • Penicillium is present in everyday environments, and when they are present in your home can cause asthmatic symptoms and bronchitis. 
  • Aspergillus moulds are present everywhere in our environment, but they can be dangerous for people with the compromised immune system. Exposure to Aspergillus can result in allergic reactions, lung infections and specific infections.
  • Fusarium moulds are present in plants and debris, although you can also spot them in damp areas. 
  • Alternaria is an allergy-causing mould present in high amounts in certain climatic conditions. Although not active on building materials, you may also find it in electric cables, canvas, and other textiles. 

Most Common Places Of Moulds At Home

As a homeowner, you clean your home regularly, but still, moulds make their way in. There are some surprising places where moulds make their nest and stay put. 

Under Your Sinks

Moulds love damp and wet conditions like the ones found beneath basins and sinks. When you clean, wipe down your cabinet with a cleaning solution to prevent mildew from spreading. 

Inside Filing Cabinets

Papers made from wood pulp is a feast for moulds. If your home experiences water damage, your paper files can become damp, putting them at risk of mould infestation. Be careful about storing things in wet boxes and consider using a dehumidifier to clean after use. 

On Your Drip Pans 

Moulds love moisture and can make their home inside common household appliances like drip pans. They can be present in washing machines, refrigerators and wherever there is excessive moisture content.

Under Floor Mats

Your regular household doormat is one of the main culprits for mould presence. Doormats trap moisture which becomes a hunting ground for moulds. Rinse your mats regularly and soak them dry under sunlight. 

Under Ceiling Tiles 

The area under the tiles is a hotbed for moisture and moulds. Tiles located around your HVAC units are more susceptible to moulds because warm air is constantly circulating there. Inspect your ceilings regularly to spot problems before they outnumber you. 

Inside your Cars

Like your home, cars are also a prime spot for mould infestation. Floor mats of your car trap moisture which creates the perfect condition for moulds. Please don’t keep your sunroof and car windows open for a long time, and keep interiors dry to prevent mould growth. 

On Carpets And Upholstery 

Wall-to-wall carpeting traps in a lot of moisture which are perfect for mould growth. Minimise chances of spreading by vacuuming regularly, and wash your carpets with cleaning solutions. 

How To Remove Moulds With Simple Methods

There are some natural ways to remove moulds in Brisbane from your home. Your basement, bathrooms and kitchens are at the most significant risk for mould spread. 

Mould Removal Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial solution that is effective in removing moulds. You can use it on kitchen surfaces, bathroom pipes and also on hard floorings. Use a 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide and spray it on the mould surface for ten minutes. Scrub the area with gentle force to remove moulds. 

Using Vinegar To Remove Moulds

White vinegar is an acidic product that is effective in removing moulds. It can kill most mould species, including black moulds, across any surface. Spray undiluted white vinegar onto the mouldy surface and leave the solution for an hour. Wipe the area with water and allow the palace to dry. 

Get Rid Of Mould With Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural agent to clean your house of moulds. It is also safe for your family and pets and absorbs moisture that attracts mould. Add one-fourth of baking soda and mix it with water. Keep the solution inside a bottle and shake well. Spray on the mould affected surface and use a brush to remove the fungus. If you have a rigid mould, you need to use more concentration on baking soda. 

Mould Removal Using Essential Oils 

Essential oils are excellent for aromatherapy, but they can do more. Tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic and safe method to remove black moulds. Mix tea tree oil with water and spray on the affected surface. Leave the solution to dry for an hour and then wipe with a clean cloth. 

Removing Moulds With Lemon

You can use lemons to remove moulds. Pour two-three slices of lemon into a cup and pour it on the mouldy surface. Please don’t touch the area for five minutes. Then clean it with a damp towel. 

When To Call Professional Mould Removal in Brisbane

DIY mould removal techniques might work for small areas, but when you have a significant infestation, professional help is the answer. It is tough to get rid of moulds without going to the source of the problem. A skilled mould removal team has the resource and expertise to deal with any amount of mould infestation.

How Much Does Mould Remediation Cost?

The cost of mould removal rests on several factors. The area of mould infestation plays a significant role in determining the costs and the average price of mould removal in Australia hovers between $500 to $2000. Most mould removal companies will supply an initial quote and sometimes offer a free inspection. Please don’t select a contractor just because he offers a cheaper service. In the long run, quality plays the most important in proofing your home from moulds. 

Mould Removal in Brisbane Starts With In Inspection

An in-depth inspection is necessary to remove mould from your home effectively. It involves identifying the root cause of infestation like water leaks, moisture condensation and flooding. Most high-end contractors use infrared cameras to penetrate inside walls and spot mould. It is also crucial to identify the type of mould inside your home, which will give the experts insight into the kinds of tools they will need to complete the job. 

Mould Removal in Brisbane – Process

The mould removal process in Brisbane may last for many days, depending on the type of damage. Experts use specially formulated solutions to remove moulds from hard surfaces physically. The treatments involve using careful procedures on hard surfaces like walls and ceilings. The second phase of the process consists of removing airborne moulds with advanced filtration systems. Particularly, it helps reduce the number of spores and improves the overall air quality inside your home. 

Mould infestation is a complex situation and requires immediate treatment. If you want to make your home free from disgusting moulds, talk to the experts today! Book an appointment with your local mould removal Brisbane experts like The Mould Group for practical advice and treatment. The Mould Group in Brisbane has high recommendations from its customers. You can see their wide range of services on the official website. Likewise, you can see Google My Business for their customer reviews.

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